
Virtual management, brought about by the rise of the internet, globalization, outsourcing, telecommuting and virtual teams, is management of frequently widely dispersed groups and individuals with rarely, if ever, meeting them face to face. In 1995 when leaving the global outsourcing company we found out that it is important to add outside expertise to explore the unfamiliar problems. How could we transform innovations, ideas and insights quicker to actionable strategies. Future business owners need to create a stronger corporate culture that uses the competence and technology in a smarter way.

Broad experience

Virtual Management is a way to use experiences from the sports world, culture industry, HR, health, technology experts e.g to define quick future strategies that is easy to execute, measure and follow up.

Focus on result

One of our first missions was to double the sales of each sales person within 24 months with keeping the overall overhead at the same level per actual sale. We managed that mostly because of focusing on culture that encouraged the individual initiative and competence. At the same time we introduced a new technical platform with powerful tools for increase product offerings, extended search functions, integrated customer service and create stronger relationships with the loyal customer.

New input

As an external advisor it was very important to create a flexible structure that could deliver management support at any time and any place. We could say that we delivered the virtual manager as an inspirational lecturer, project manager, facilitator, coach, mentor, private trainer and much more. In some other projects we have succeeded in finding new customer, partners, suppliers in unfamiliar areas or in the unexpected meeting zone.

Add external power

The structure of virtual management is delivering results in the area of:

  • creating the good business
  • increase sales
  • increase productivity
  • finding new tools for training
  • access to new markets and partners
  • quicker deliverables
  • flexible and dynamic support organization
  • reduce fixed costs

A Virtual Manager could act as:

  • Business Agent, with more than 30 years of international business and complex negotiations we could increae the result in establish new customers and markets.
  • Inspirational speaker and teacher in lectures, workshops, seminars and educational programs
  • Facilitator to lead projects, events, meetings, change processes
  • Coach in order to train, measure, supervise defined projects
  • Mentor to inspire managers in implementation of the new strategy
  • Interim manager in order to act as a dedicated resource to execute the strategy, find and train the upcoming manager

Get Access

You can get access to virtual management in smaller projects or in several models of subscription.


Contact us for setting up your corporate and personal profile based upon our different moduls: 



1-2 hour discussion with one of our expert in our network of excellence


one day Workshop with four of our experts in each area of the network of excellence


6-12 months training program in foresearch of the future and define the intangible asset gap for your competitiveness in the new economy